Book Promo Vignettes by Luke, Mary Catelli and ‘Nother Mike and Heads Up

According To Hoyt

Heads Up

*Okay, heads up first. I have a minor test/surgical thing tomorrow morning.  The reason this post is ridiculously late is that I spent the morning chasing down the necessary prep (think about it, it will come to you) for which the center forgot to send me the prescription.  On that, I wish to add “ew, yuck.”
What this means is that likely there won’t be a post tomorrow morning.  Which is why I don’t feel bad about putting promo up THIS late. -SAH*

Vignettes by Luke, Mary Catelli and ‘Nother Mike

So what’s a vignette? You might know them as flash fiction, or even just sketches. We will provide a prompt each Sunday that you can use directly (including it in your work) or just as an inspiration. You, in turn, will write about 50 words (yes, we are going for short shorts! Not even a Drabble 100 words…

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